The 250th Anniversary Committee Records, 1965-1967


The 250th Anniversary Committee Records, 1965-1967


Celebrations–Westborough (Mass.)


Records from the 250th anniversary of the founding of Westborough, MA.


The 250th Anniversary Committee






Massachusetts > Worcester (county) > Westborough



Collection Items

Hoccomoccos Float
People in Native American dress on an elaborate float with "Hoccomoccos" written on the side at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Parade Marcher
A parade marcher in a black bowler hat who looks like he has finished walking at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Parade Spectators
Two men and other spectators at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Colonial Well Float
A float with an old well and people in Colonial-era clothing at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Revolutionary War Marchers
Marchers dressed in American Revolutionary War clothing at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Tractor and Farming Float
An old tractor pulling a large farming machine on spoked wheels at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Plowing Float
An ox(?) pulling a float with a farmer holding a plow behind it and a picket fence, farmer's wife, and house behind him at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Mason Float
A flatbed float decorated with greenery and a small house, with people in formal dress sitting in front of a large Mason symbol at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

Baby Carriage Marchers
Marchers dressed in 19th century clothing pushing a baby carriage at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.

House Float
A float resembling a house with large curtained windows, a man in a straw hat sitting inside, and a girl crossing the street behind it at Westborough's 250th Anniversary Parade.
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