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  • Collection: Westborough's Coronavirus Pandemic Response

It was in my drawer and has probably not been seen for 20 years. Not even sure why I have it? But I can switch it up with a perky identical red one if the mood strikes!

I made them. Jeff wanted one that wasn’t “loud” and I chose a print that was.

Two signs in front of the First United Methodist Church--one saying, "Choose Kind!" and another saying, "God Bless Healthcare Workers, Our Heroes"--during the coronavirus pandemic shutdown.

Closed businesses in the Arcade Building in the middle of the day during the Coronavirus Pandemic shutdown.

My mom made this face mask first. It was too thick and hard to breathe in. She made different masks that had a space for a filter. Wearing the mask at first took a little getting used to. I wear glasses and they would fog up with the mask on. I…

Deeya started her first grade remote learning today. She was very excited to meet her teacher and friends. It’s taken at her work space.

Dhyan is excited about his 1st day of 6th via hybrid learning.

Covid 19 Pandemic

My sons, age 11 and age 8 are doing remote learning at home. Pictures were taken on the first day of remote learning.

My son age 8 is doing remote at home. He will be starting third grade@ Fales
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