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  • Collection: Westborough's Coronavirus Pandemic Response

It's uncomfortable, but anything, to keep the spreading of COVID19

I was trying on a mask made for me to wear when I return to work at a public library. My director sent it to me. She knows I’m a cat person.

I made them. Jeff wanted one that wasn’t “loud” and I chose a print that was.

I spent a lot of my free time during the quarantine working on building a backyard chicken coop and run for my new flock. As a result, I've made many, many trips to Lowe's and other home improvement/hardware store for supplies. My 10-year-old…

Mask Selfie.JPG
We purchased our masks from a fabric store in Marlborough. The purchase served two purposes - provided us real masks rather than the bandanas we had been wearing, and the proceeds were donated to the Worcester County Food Bank. With time it's…

Covid 19 Pandemic

This is the first mask I made. Since I have made and distributed 43 masks to friends and family. I like using my hobby to make something useful and show loved ones I am thinking about their well being in this uncertain time. Getting sewing supplies…

It was in my drawer and has probably not been seen for 20 years. Not even sure why I have it? But I can switch it up with a perky identical red one if the mood strikes!

My mom made this face mask first. It was too thick and hard to breathe in. She made different masks that had a space for a filter. Wearing the mask at first took a little getting used to. I wear glasses and they would fog up with the mask on. I…

A friend made it for me, and I like the fabric choice. It’s nice and warm on a chilly day. We’ve had a lot of those.
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